Birthday events automatically show the age as part of the title. The definition of a "birthday event" is: It is an event that belongs to the "Birthdays" calendar, which iOS automatically creates for you based on the birthdays of your contacts. Please follow the steps below to ensure this calendar is displayed in iCalendar:
1. Start iCalendar
2. Tap Settings (second icon from the bottom right)
3. Expand Calendars section, then tap on "My Calendars"
4. Find the "Birthdays" calendar and check it
5. Tap "Done"
6. Tap "Done"
Note: If the age is not shown for a contact, it means that your device does not have this information. To add a birthday for one of your contacts, please follow the steps below:
1. Open the Contacts app
2. Tap the desired contact
3. Tap "Edit"
4. Scroll down, and tap "add birthday"
6. Set the birthday for this contact
7. Tap "Done"